Advanced Send for more options. Use the ‘Advanced’ tab on the Send page and send messages to multiple recipients (lists, groups, contacts) at the same time. The Advanced option, found under the main ‘Send’ page, gives you additional options for … Continue reading
Tag Archives: pre schedule
Scheduling Your Message When to send. Now or pre schedule for the future ? Once you have your message ready to send, you can choose when it is sent. Text-Connect gives you 3 options: Send ‘immediately‘. Send right now. Send … Continue reading →
Text-Connect make it easy to create personalised text messages using mail merge. This simplifies bulk text messaging and gives you the option of including unique information in each recipients message. The first step is to create and upload your list. … Continue reading →
Sending Appointment Reminder texts is one of the ‘real world’ applications which makes text messaging an indispensable tool for businesses and organisations of all sizes. Text-Connect’s fully featured & easy to use web based system makes appointment reminders easy to … Continue reading →